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How to set up a new brand

A quick step-by-step tutorial to get you up and running using Brandpad.

Morten Aamodt avatar
Written by Morten Aamodt
Updated over 9 months ago

The dashboard contains all the brands connected to your account. To create a new brand, click the «+» button located in the main part of the dashboard.

Video Tutorial.

Setting up a brand.

  1. On the next screen, you will set the display name of the brand, and the url you want it to live on. Normally, the url is the same as the display name, but you can choose another set up if you prefer.

  2. Next, choose whether you’d like to start off with a blank canvas (meaning no predefined layout), or if you’d rather start with a template and instead focus on swapping out the template assets with your own. If you’re unsure which route you prefer, preview the templates before making your choice. 

  3. If choose to start from scratch you will be taken through the brand set up flow. This is designed to assist you in adding some colors, fonts, and assets so you can quickly get started building your guideline. You can choose to skip the setup and add brand elements later. Follow the steps below to learn how to add brand elements if you have skipped the brand setup.

Building your brand.

In order to get things started we recommend you add the font(s), colors and some of the assets of the identity you're working on. We see that this is the best way to get up and running quickly. Having these three elements added will help you understand and get started with the system in no time.

Adding a font

Fonts are great! We all think so. Let's add some. There are two places where you can add fonts.

In the brand folder:

  1. Go to Folder -> Fonts

  2. Select the type of font you want to add.

  3. To add a custom font, upload the .otf file, type in the Font family name and select the weight from the drop-down.

In the Presets:

  1. Click on Presets in the top menu. Presets are the global settings for your brand and you can make changes here that are reflected throughout your guideline.

  2. Click on Typography then click go to Settings, this will take you to the font options. You can add your kit id to add fonts from Adobe Fonts, search the Google Fonts library or upload your own custom fonts.

  3. Choose and add the appropriate fonts.

  4. Navigate back to your guideline by clicking the Edit Brand in the top right corner of the page.

You can now customize your text style settings via the typography menu in Presets.

Adding colors

It's time to get colorful! Let's add some colors to your guideline. You can add colors in two places.

In the brand folder:

  1. Go to Folder -> Colors.

  2. Click on the + button to add a new color.

  3. Type in the hex code and click Add.

  4. You can rename the color before saving it.

In Presets:

  1. Click on Presets in the top menu to open the global settings for your brand.

  2. Click on Color palette, this will take you to the overview of colors for you brand

  3. To add colors type the hex code for the color you want to add and hit enter. You will notice that your color gets added to the list. Continue to add as many colors as you like.

  4. To rename the colors just click on the hex code in the list of colors, change the name and hit enter.

The colors you have added will now be available in your guideline and can be used to change font colors, buttons, and backgrounds.

Building your image/asset library

We are getting close to completing the setup of a new brand, the final step is to add your assets. You can add assets in the Library or the Folder.

In the Library:

  1. Click on Library in the top menu to open your file library.

  2. To add files just click on the Add Files+ link and your local file directory will open.

  3. Choose the files you want to add and upload them to your library.

In the Folder:

  1. Go to Folder -> Assets.

  2. Click on the + button to add a file or drag and drop from your computer directly into Assets.

The supported file types are:

Images: jpeg / png / gif / svg / eps
Video: mp4
Files: zip / pdf / ai / ppt / key

Okay, now you're ready to start adding rows and content to your guideline. After completing these steps, you enter the canvas, our brand guidelines system. Have a look at these articles for help getting up to speed.

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